Starbucks Mug Rug Swap

I liked my first Instagram swap so much that I joined a second one! It’s the #starbucksmugrugswap.

The Ohio mug is what I bought for my assigned partner, who wrote that she likes Heather Ross fabrics (I sadly have none!) and Alison Glass (I have to save those for the Thiel Quilt Bee!) so, I chose my Gardenvale charm pack. I think it’s got a similar cheerful look.

The mug cozy ties on with vintage ribbons. I made sure to stitch over them many times in the seam so they are held in tight, and I dipped each end into some fray stop. I tied it on and held the mug in my hand, boy, it sure felt sassy! I like it!! and I need to make myself one, now.


If you make a similar big bow mug cozy, share a picture with me. I’d love to see it.

This one works well in that the bow can be tied onto the mug opposite the side your face would be sipping from. The bow isn’t in your way, and everyone can take a look at it.



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